We win some....we lose some!!!, News, BANTAM LOCAL LEAGUE, U15, 2012/2013 (Mt Forest Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2012/2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 05, 2013 | lvanderlip | 1321 views
We win some....we lose some!!!
We have played a lot of hockey in the last month and a half, and I have neglected to write on any of them! So here is a quick recap of the games!

We played against Seaforth, and won with a final score of 6-2. The boys showed a lot of encouragement towards each other by pats on the back and high fives. Way to go boys at recognizing a job well done and supporting another team mate!

Our next game was against Lucknow, where we lost 4-3. This was a real nail biter! Goalie Hunter from the PeeWee LL helped us out and did a great job! Way to go Hunter!

A game against Milverton had the boys perspective change with a win of 10-1! Devon managed to get a hat trick! 

We then played a game against Wingham, and lost 4-1. I don’t think the boys were ready for this game. But they got it back the next time we played Wingham, with a huge win of 7-1! Way to go!

Wasaga Beach Tournament

Game 1 VS Thornton Team 1 WON 3-1
Goal by Devon, assisted by Daniel & Mitchell
Goal by Kieran assisted by Aidan
Goal by Kyle D.....and what a goal it was! Right in from the blue line!! :)

Game 2 VS Waterdown LOST 4-3
Goal by Jordon assisted by Brennon
Goal by Devon assisted by Joel
Goal by Devon assisted by Daniel
This had us play for the “B” Cup Championship

Game 3 VS Midland WON 5-0
Goal by Mitchell....his first one of the season!! :)
Goal by Devon
Goal by Daniel assisted by Devon
Goal by Chris
Goal by Devon

We won the  “B” Cup Championship!!! Our Goalie Tyler managed to get a shutout in this game resulting in him to achieve the MVP! Way to go Tyler!!! 

I borrowed this quote Coach Kevin shared on facebook: “Proud of our team today, won 3-1 lost 4-3 then won the "B" championship with a solid 5-0 win. The best part of the day was seeing how much fun the kids were having before our last game, joking around in the room. It's these times the kids will remember, not whether we won or lost and sometimes as a coach/parent you forget how much fun there is to be had. Way to go fellas!” ~ Coach Kevin


Back to our regular season games, we then played Blyth with a tied score of 2-2. Our 2 goals were scored by Devon & Joel. Way to go boys!

This brings us to this past weekend, where our game was cancelled and the boys got to play a scrimmage with some PeeWee LL players. They had a blast! The encouragement they passed along to each other and the fun they had was contagious! If I could have seen ALL their faces behind their masks, I bet they were all smiling!! :) What a fun game of hockey!!

I know I have not mentioned who got what goal in which game, but I want all of you to know, that those goals result in the teamwork displayed by all of you! With out you working together, and encouraging each other, those goals would not happen! Keep up the GREAT work boys as we go into the playoffs. I look forward to seeing some more great games! :)