WOW !!!! What a winning weekend of Hockey., News, BANTAM LOCAL LEAGUE, U15, 2012/2013 (Mt Forest Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2012/2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 19, 2012 | Kevin Rice | 889 views
WOW !!!! What a winning weekend of Hockey.
The Boys were succesful this past weekend skating away with 2 wins and a tie and outscoring the opposition 22-9 in 3 games.

Friday night seen the boys travel to Goderich to play the Sailors. This was a game that we knew would be tough as the last contest was a close 2-0 win for us in our league opener.
Goderich started the scoring in the first but a goal by Daniel Conrad assisted by Devon Morgon and Mitchell Vanderlip evened it up after the first.
We let Goderich have another one early in period 2 but another goal a couple minutes after by Joel Webers tied it back up. Goderich took a 3-2 lead but with goals just 27 seconds apart by Brennon MacRobbie and Jordon Allen, the rams were up 4-3 headed into the 3rd.
We decided to let the sailors take back the lead with a couple pucks passed goaltender Tyler Rice.
Again the Rams were fighting mad and had 3 goals in a minute and a half by Conrad, Allen and Morgon while Goderich scored 1 more to make it look like we had the win 7-6 but an unlucky break with 33 seconds left and it was tied up and would remain that way.
Conrad and Allen ended up with a pair of goals each and Vanderlip had a big game with 3 assists. Other assists went to captain Aiden Felsbourg with 2, Alex Kieffer, Daiel Conrad,and Morgon with 2 and single helper to Webers.

Game 2 of the weekend seen a tough team from Listowel coming to town riding a 3 game win streak.
It was a very hard fought game and the whole team played tough throughout. Netminder Rice sporting some new pads made sure that there wasnt going to be a repeat of the night before and came up very big when needed to keep the game in our favour. Kieren White started the scoring with assists to linemates Alex Kieffer and Sully Fisher.
Big Devon Morgon notched one with assists to Conrad and MacRobbie.
Sullly Fisher gets hauled down on a breakaway and was awarded the rare penalty shot. Fisher made no mistake about what he wanted to do and with a few good fakes buried it on the backhand past the Cyclones goalie who still might not be sure where Sully went with that puck. 
Conrad added another in the 3rd with Alex Droog getting the helper and with  the Rams down a few men to penalties the Listowel club broke Rices shutout bid with a few minutes left but it was little to late as the score ended 4-1.
Not always does everyone get on the game sheet but really deserve some credit for the win and this game was a great improvement from the previous night and a lot of the reason was the outstanding defensive play especially from the D men pairings of Kyle Dallaire and Kyle Hieber, Chris Kelly-Mitchell Vanderlip and David Scott - Alex Droog.

Our final game of the weekend saw the Rams go up Highway 6 to take part in Arthurs "Wellington Challenge"
The boys were clearly  more dominant then the Vipers and it showed from the opening face off, with the boys taking a commanding 4-0 lead after the first on their way to a 11-1 win. It was good to see the passing and stickhandling skills the boys have been working on being executed in this game.
I am very pleased with the way the boys showed sportsmanship to the Arthur team.
And heres the list of goal scorers
Jordon Allen with 1 goal and 1 assist.
Joel webers with the hat trick
Macrobbie with a goal
Felsbourg with 2 goals (should of had 3) 2 assists
Kyle Dallaire with a pair of goals and a pair of assists
Kieran White with his second goal in as many games and an assist to go with it
Alex Droog showing his stick handling skills with a beauty goal and 2 assists.
other assists went to
Conrad with 4 assists
David Scott who had quite a few chances with a pair of helpers
Devon Morgon with 3 assists
Mitchell Vanderlip with a helper
Chris Kelly with a pair as well.
Kyle Hieber who played a solid game on the point and moved up to play forward with a couple good chances but just coulnt find the back of the net.

And in this game, I am also very proud to say that we were PENALTY FREE!!!!!! This is awesome!!!!!!

The coaching staff feel the boys have come a long way in a short period of time and are starting to really play as a team. We are proud of them so far and are excited to see them keep improving throughout the year!

Coach Kevin