Novice Rep Girls - Final Roster, News, NOVICE GIRLS "C", U9, 2017-2018 (Mt Forest Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 19, 2017 | Amy Parker | 842 views
Novice Rep Girls - Final Roster
Thank you to all the girls who tried out. 

The names below are the final roster for this years Novice Girls Rep team:

Hailey Schieck 
Ella Shaw 
Summer Myers 
Clara Corrigan 
Brook Gorman 
Addison MacDonald 
Mya Koeslag 
Caitlin Tran 
Amberlee Moore 
Laura Nanninga 
Carly Stevens 
Mia Tupling 
Madeline Lillico  

For those girls not on this list, if you are a Tyke age player, please attend the next Tyke practice.

For Novice age girls, please attend the next Novice LL practice.

For the Tyke age players on the Rep team, please give a cheque for $250 (fee difference) to Justin, payable to MFMH.

I hope everyone has a great season this year.
Thanks again
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