Playoffs, News, Novice Rep, U9, 2014-2015 (Mt Forest Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2014-2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 04, 2015 | scott parker | 655 views
The Novice Rep Rams continue their playoff run this weekend.

Mt.Forest battled the regular season unbeaten Minto Mad Dogs in the first round. Both games were very competitive which led to overtime in both contests. Minto would score first in both extra frames to claim victory. The Rams played hard with great goaltending to prove not only to the spectators, but more importantly themselves, that they can play with these top teams.
Mt.Forest will now begin a round robin with Goderich and Blyth/Brussels. The top 2 teams after round robin play will then advance to the McClure Consolation Championship.
The regular season proved to be a tough one for the Rams, having been grouped with the top calibre teams of the W.O.A.A.. All players are keen to start this next playoff chapter and show the Rams are a force to be reckoned with.
Mt.Forest will begin on the road this Saturday in Goderich for a 4:30 tilt vs the Sailors.

GO RAMS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!