ALL I CAN SAY IS THANK YOU, News, Atom Rep, U11, 2013-2014 (Mt Forest Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 26, 2014 | Jim Donald | 1314 views
When the buzzer sounded tonight it not only signaled an end to a 4-0 victory for the Rams over West Grey, but the end of the 2013-2014 season.
As I look back over the season I am very proud of the team the way they worked in games and practices. The steady improvement in their individual play and especially in their role as team players.
I would like to thank my coaching associates MATT MORGAN, IAN MCCAREY AND JEFF ARMSTRONG. Your hard work and commitment made my job very enjoyable. A very special thank you to AMANDA RICE for keeping all things running smoothly throughout the year.

Also I have a lot of admiration for the parents who juggle their schedule around the games and practices.
Last but not least to the young men that showed up every game and practice. They learned to work hard and take criticism with out being offended. The coaches were happy with the way they brought the new skills they learned in practice into their game play.
Personally I want to say thanks I ENJOYED the season immensely.

P.S.  Good luck to the ones that are going to play spring hockey.
        Already looking forward to seeing everybody back at the rink in September.

        Remember HOCKEY BANQUET May 2 2014.