Official Season Opener, News, Midget Local League, U18, 2011/2012 (Mt Forest Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2011/2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Oct 22, 2011 | dmacvicar | 611 views
Official Season Opener
Hot off a successful preseason, the Midget LL Rams continue their winning play with a tough fought win over Kincardine LL Team 2 at their Ofiicial Season Home Opener on Friday October 21.  

After a strong preseason of 3 - 0 - 1 the Midget LL boys hosted the Kincardine Kinucks. Despite being short an entire line, Cody Stewart started the scoring off of a rebound pass from Gavin MacVicar to put the home side on the board. The Kinucks came back 3 minutes later with a power play goal to tie the game at 1.  Not  wanting to disappoint their fans the Ram boys get back the lead with a pass from behind the net by MacVicar to Alex Bondy who drops it in the net for the goal. The first period ends with the Rams playing shorthanded and maintaining the lead. Final shots on net for the period even at 8 a side.
Kincardine opened the 2nd period with another power play goal to tie the game at 2. The Kinucks would score again with 5 minutes remaining in the second to give the visitors the lead for the first time in the game. With just 4:11 remaining the Mount Forest team executed their great teamwork with Jake Keiffer & Brandon Hotchkiss both taking a shot on net, but MacVicar took the glory with the rebound and the boys in white finished the 2nd with a 3 - 3 tie. Final shots on goal for the second 15 - 12 for Kincardine.
Starting the third period with an even playing field on both the score board and in the penalty box, the home team take the lead back again just 5 minutes in on a clean pass from David Orr to Kieffer who scores. Playing hard and working together the Rams finish the game shorthanded but still take the win. Final score 4 - 3. Final shots in the 3rd 9 - 7 Kinucks. Keep up the good work guys!
The team travels to Kincardine on Sun. Oct. 23 for a 7:30 pm game against Kincardine's other LL team.