Tough tie in Hanover, News, Pee Wee Local League, U13, 2011/2012 (Mt Forest Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2011/2012 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Nov 08, 2011 | Carsten | 613 views
Tough tie in Hanover
There were some tense moments in the Hanover arena on Saturday afternoon for our favourite Rams team.  Less than 2 min into the game the Hanover players and fans were cheering for a goal that clearly never crossed the line.  The refs waved it off and that set the tone for the rest of the game. 

Our forward lines knew they would have to work hard if we were going to get anywhere near that Hanover goalie.  Kyle made a rush for the end taking both the puck and their player hard into the corner, a shot ws fired but no luck.  Moments later Jordon brings the puck all the way from our end, passes out front to Austin but their goalie snags it in his glove.  As frustration builds, a puck is fired over the boards at our 2 white targets, way to duck Shaun!! 

Play continued and Jordon was able to get on the board after a nice play set up by Ryan and assisted by Carsten.  Hanover pushed ahead on a power play and capitalized when we were unable to clear the rebound away from Tyler.  Dalton, playing some good "heads up" hockey fires a long pass up to Chris at centre ice who walks it down and scores top shelf! Tie game.  Just to stir the fans up a little more there was one waved off goal for Hanover.  This one was deflected in off a high stick.  With a high stick and high emotions it was time for a flood. 

The boys come out playing more aggressive in the third making for an even more frustrated and chippy Hanover team.  Tyler stood his ground in net and penalties, not goals, were the game sheet marks for the remainder of the game. 

Good work boys, we'll take the tie and beat them the next time!!