SAVE THE BEST FOR LAST, News, Peewee Rep, U13, 2010/2011 (Mt Forest Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2010/2011 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 10, 2011 | jcoburn | 1428 views
"Saving the Best for Last"
The PeeWee Reps have had a lot of hockey this season but the Rams last regular season game in Kincardine Thursday night was by far their best game of the year.  The first place Kinucks met their match when the Rams arrived in town.

"Saving the Best for Last"
The PeeWee Reps have had a lot of hockey this season but the Rams last regular season game in Kincardine Thursday night was by far their best game of the year.  The first place Kinucks met their match when the Rams arrived in town.
The Rams were missing forward Brady Coburn who was serving his game suspension and defenseman Warren Zeinstra who was sick.  Cory Lewis and Nole Black were brought up to replace the missing players.  The first meeting of the Rams and Kinucks earlier in the year the Kinucks won 5-1. 
Thursday night's game was a very fast and intense game.  The second whistle of the game was blown at the 5:20 mark in the first period.  Changing on the fly was a must to keep up with the pace and intensity of the game.
The Rams were working hard for a goal.  Kurtis Synders, Jake Zeinstra and Benn Zettler charged into the Kinucks end for a shot. 
Sully Fisher passed to Alex Keiffer and with the use of his skates to help assist with the pass, gained control and passed the puck back to Fisher for a shot on net.
The Kinucks turned it around and came charging into the Rams end.  Their passes were on and they were using all five members of their team to pass to and make sure they had the perfect scoring opportunity.  Nole Black read the Kinucks like a book and watched the defence pass back and forth on the blue line and with his stick straight out dove on the ice and poked the puck outside the blue line to clear the puck out of our end.  Hunter Elliott's long reach was able to pick up the puck and go down for a shot.
With 2:24 left in the first, Jake Zeinstra took out the Kinucks forward behind the net with a hard clean check.  The Kinucks forward did not take to kindly to this and punched Zeinstra in the back of the head.  The forward was escorted to the box and the Rams now had their first power play.  The Rams certainly were trying to score on their power play.  They had many scoring opportunities but the Kinucks goalie was solid.  The two minute advantage flew by and the Rams were now on the other end as Sully Fisher with 22 seconds left in the first went to the box for holding.  With the quick pep talk between periods the coaches filled the boys in on how to handle this period.
The Rams fought off the penalty well.  The defence Dylan Reeves and Kyle Dallaire were strong and sure and dumped the puck down in the Kinucks end to waste time in the penalty.  Back to full strength the Kinucks walked into the Rams end and had some scoring chances but Kroes was solid between the pipes.
Jake Mulder's defensive plays were strong and solid using his body to defuse shots and players. Mulder walked from the Rams end to the Kinucks end for a shot but was denied.
Matt Rice had a hard shot after receiving a great pass from Cory Lewis.  Jake Zeinstra used his body to dive in front of the puck to alleviate a goal in the Rams end. 
Kurtis Synders was digging behind the Kinucks net to free the puck to waiting line mates Benn Zettler and Jake Zeinstra.  A Kinucks defenseman came charging in and hit Synders from behind right into the boards.  Zeinstra went in to defend his line mate and hit the defenseman that hit his teammate.  Both Zeinstra and Kinuck defenseman were executed from the game.
This ended the second period and the game remained at zero.  Both teams were working so hard it was going to take a mistake to break the tie.  The third period was certainly the most exciting.  With just a minute in, Blake Lewis with a perfect pass to Fisher who got his stick out front to tip it in the net. Taking the lead seemed to rejuvenate the Rams and they worked even harder for another goal.  Jake Mulder wove his was through traffic for a shot.  Sully Fisher picked up the puck from center ice after a pass from Quinton Kelly to try for another goal.
Just under the 10 minute mark and after many attempts to score the Kinucks finally beat Kroes on a fluky angle shot from the corner through the 5-hole.  The game all tied up at 1 it was like a brand new game.  Both teams were working hard and getting physical.  Two Kinucks charged into the net with Kroes, taking the net and Kroes with them.  Kroes kept the paddle in front of him with the puck to keep it from crossing the goal line.  The Kinucks were adding pressure but solid Tristan Sylvestre was there taking out one Kinuck at a time for walking into his end.  Dylan Reeves was there after the Sylvestre hits to clear the puck out of the Rams end.  Quinton Kelly was in the Rams corner with two Kinucks digging the puck out when line mate Mulder went into help out.  With a clean check to the Kinuck forward Mulder was whistled for a interference penalty.  Frustrated Mulder went to the box and slammed the door which gave him an additional two minutes for unsportsmanlike.  It was a tough time to be down a man but the Rams had fought off their penalties well.  The faceoff was in the Rams end and a Kinuck forward wound up and fired a slapshot which Kroes wore right between the eyes.  The dazed net minder with a quick shake of the head to shake off the stars was ready for the next shot and able to gain control and cover the puck.  Fisher was in front of Kroes protecting his goalie when a Kinuck came in and pushed Fisher after the whistle.  Kincardine went to the box and the teams were once again even strength at four a piece.
The faceoff was again in the Rams end but thanks to Coach Sinnamon's goalie workout Tuesday night Kroes was ready when down to kick the pad out for the save. Cory Lewis picked up the puck and sent it up to Benn Zettler who passed up to Kurtis Synders for a shot.  The faceoff was in the Kinucks end.  Matt Rice won the faceoff back to Sylvestre for a slap shot from the blue line.  The goalie save it and the rebound went out in front for Nole Black for a shot.  The covered puck meant another faceoff in the Kinuck end.  Blake Lewis took this faceoff and won the draw back to Kyle Dallaire for a shot on the net.  The puck was deflected into the corner with only 43 seconds left.  Keiffer raced into the corner, dug out the puck, passed to Lewis at the side of the net over to Elliott who one timed it in the net, bar down.  It was a 2-1 game , but 43 seconds left seemed like a long time as the Kinucks tried to tie it up in the Rams end.  They perservered and dumped the puck down the ice in the final seconds.  It was a huge win for the Rams.  Last game of the season, beating the first place team, what a way to finish up the season.  Every one of the Rams worked so very hard for this big win.  Way to go boys!

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