One last game....and it all came together!, News, Atom Girls, U11, 2009-2010 (Mt Forest Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2009-2010 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Apr 05, 2010 | ivandermeer | 880 views
One last game....and it all came together!
Normanby wanted to prepare themselves for the provincials, but Mount Forest was the one showing us their hidden talents and letting us see how a team really plays together well, as the Rams had the most chances and effortless broke out of their own zone, many times...

And it is a great game right from the beginning as a pass comes to Haley, gets to Meagan who passes it on to Natalee, where her first shot is hard and as she fires her own rebound its almost in as well. It goes on, a breakaway from Meagan only is stopped by an off side. What a start, so smooth.

With change from the bench, it goes on with Gillian intercepting a puck from Normanby, passing it to Danielle, who gives a great backhand pass back to Gillian, who shot is also stopped. A face off in the Normanby end comes to Jordyn as her pass goes to Natalie, who cruises through the Normanby zone effortless, it seems.

A chance for Meagan as she comes out off the bench and Natalee helps her set it up.

Jenna gets it out of her zone, the pass goes from Meagan to Haley who gives another shot at the net.

The Mount Forest girls use the board effectively....get out off their zone so easy, Gillian picks up the puck and give it to Danielle who just misses a chance in front of the Normanby net. But they are persistent as well, Allyson shows hard work but Normanby perseveres and a rebound makes it in, 1-0.

Jordyn and Natalee play together behind the net. The girls work smart, using the boards and looking around before passing, what a difference from the first game! A shot from Danielle makes it back in but is stopped, but Natalie and Gillian are there to make sure it doesn’t leave the surroundings of the goals and Natalie pokes it over the line, with a second on the clock, 1-1.

The second period, Jordyn picks up what could have been an icing and Haley, Meagan and Natalee set up this really out of the book attack, with Allyson helping out at the blue line, what an exiting game!

More off those to come, Danielle gives this great pass to Natalie as she gives it to Gillian but her hard shot gets stopped. That frustrates Danielle and she ends up with a hooking penalty, but still 4 on 5 the Mount Forest girls create their chances. But Normanby is not sleeping and a really great shot high up, has Marissa stretching almost making a brilliant glove stop, top corner, but she just missed it by a hair. Next year you have that extra inch and nothing will get by you anymore!! Natalee shows some great defence work and with a pass to Jenna, who gets it out to Haley for another attack. Great work also at the next offence from Natalie, Danielle and Gillian, who get 2 good shots off from the face off, but both shots are stopped underneath the goalie. And the setup just keep coming, its amazing. Haley works on the boards, passes it to Meagan who with a backhand gets it infront of Natalee and another puck stopped underneath the goalie.

If there is one thing to say about this game that could be improved, its the finishing touches, the only thing that would makes this all sweeter, is actually scoring. If you girls can find a way around the goalie, instead off hitting her the whole time... There is no stopping the Mount Forest Rams!

The third period starts off in the Ayton’s end, with lots of shots on net and finally we put one in to make it 2-2. A great set up again from Natalee and Haley and Meagan’s shot goes up and in, that’s the way it should be.

A face off rushes to the Rams net but they never got a shot away as the game turns the Rams get robbed by Normanby again. 

Mount Forest keeps dominating in the rest off the third period. The girls also show some body work, as the coaches told them many times, use your body to lean, its ok... and now we are seeing it and it helps to create chances and get the other team out off their rhythm. 

As the game ends in a tie, it is a personal win for all the girls of the Mount Forest Rams, what ever happened in this great 09-10 season... it all came together in this game!!! Girls you were great, enjoy your summer and seeya next year!!!

...and this is how the girls felt about the end of this season... Natalee and Jenna's face say it all.... Tooooo Bad!!!