INTERNATIONAL SILVER STICK WINNERS!!!, News, Peewee Girls, U13, 2008-2009 (Mt Forest Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2008-2009 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 08, 2009 | dbridgwater | 1489 views
The Silver stick is on its way to the Sports Complex this afternoon! Way to go!

We headed off to Sarnia this past weekend to compete in the Womens International Silver Stick hoping to be the first team from Mount Forest ever to bring home the hardware. First up for the girls was Petrolia at 9:00 am Friday morning. The girls were pumped and it showed. Seventeen seconds into the game Spiely found the back of the net from Walsh and Weber. This was the jump we were looking for. This would be the score until half way through the second when Petrolia tied it up. Three minutes later Spiely got her second of the game from Langdon. Ally got her hat trick two and a half minutes into the third to give the locals the 2 goal lead. Petrolia got back within one twenty seconds later on a fluke goal. The girls buckled down and with some great defensive work never really let Petrolia get any pressure in our end. With a minute and a half left in the game Weber gave us some breathing room with the two goal lead again. Assists going to Eccles and Felsbourg. MVP of the game was Ally Spielmacher.

Second up was Goderich early Saturday afternoon. The girls have played and handled Goderich pretty easy the two times they have played them earlier this year. However, this was going to be a different team than we had seen before. We got our first goal with three minutes left in the first when Ross scored unassisted. A minute later Walsh scored from Spiely and Kaufman.With two more goals a minute apart in the second the game seemed to be in hand. The first  was Kaufman fromWalsh and Spiely and the second was Contini from Felsbourg and Kaufman. Our goalie, Laura Rumph, was our MVP for the game.

Our last game of pool play was against Markdale. They have been a team that have played us very hard this year and  we knew it wasn't going to be an easy game. With the play going back and forth and some great goaltending at both ends the first period ended scoreless. With the local girls putting pressure on Markdale in the second and just couldn't buy a goal, Markdale broke the goose eggs with three minutes left in the second. Two minutes later Markdale scored on the power play to make it 2-0. This would be the final score. MVP for this game was Reagan Kaufman. The loss would put us in second place in our pool and put us up against Carleton Place Cyclones who finished first in their pool.

Finishing second in our pool maybe wasn't a bad thing as the girls got an extra hours sleep on Sunday morning. Game time 8:15 am. The other semi was Markdale against St. Clair @ 7:00 am. We had heard that the Cyclones had a real solid team but our girls were up for the challenge. With the play going end to end early in the game neither team could find the back of the net. There was some good goaltending at both ends. With just under two minutes left in the first, Kyelle Byne found herself all alone in front of the net with the puck and buried it. We have been telling her all along that she'll get one sooner or later. And what a time to get it. Assists going to Kaufman and Hieber. This would prove to be the winner. What a game. MVP was Taylor Weber.This would put us into the finals against St. Clair who had beat Markdale 4-2 earlier.
After getting the girls fed, we headed back to the arena in time to watch the Walkerton girls taking on Kincardine in the Peewee B finals. The girls gave the Walkerton girls a big cheer as they came out onto the ice, during their warm-up and for the first part of the game before they had to go get ready themselves. This may have pumped themselves up for our game also.

The coaches were telling the girls "just shoot the puck on the net" and they did. Three and a half minutes into the game Weber found the back of the net unnassisted. Four minutes later Weber got her second of the game from Hieber and Elliot. Less than a minute later Kaufman got her first of the game unnasssisted. Two minutes later she would get her second of the game unnassisted again. The score was 4-0 after the first period. This was alot nicer on the nerves. However with two periods to go the coaches told the girls not ot back off as anything can happen. Three minutes left in the second St. Clair scored their only goal of the game. Weber would get her hat-trick unnassisted less than a minute later. 5-1 after the second. Ross would get one from the point early in the third assisted by Felsbourg and then Taylor got her Fourth of the game unnassised again.
The final score was 7-1.
Great job girls in bringing home the first ever International silver stick banner and trophy. We are all so proud of you. You showed that you could step it up when you had to. We would also like to say a big thanks to the parents, grandparents and all the family members who made the trek down to Sarnia to cheer us on. You were awesome! Thanks also to the Walkerton girls for sticking aroud to cheer us on for the first part of the game. Remember girls there is still another big prize out there. We start a 6 game round robin in owha playdowns and we have to come ready to play in every game. I am pretty confident that you will. Good luck

Remember, "when your legs are tired and your body is sore, play with your heart!"